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提高智力的方法 & 留学期间的身体健康

by 杰克Kalinowski
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8 Effective Ways to Help Boost Your Mental and 留学期间的身体健康 

Supporting mental and 身体健康 are crucial aspects of life, especially while studying abroad. It’s essential to maintain things that make you happy during 留学项目 to help you adjust smoothly and learn and grow in a new place. It’s difficult to balance schoolwork with traveling as well as with 心理健康和福祉, but all it takes is a few minutes to an hour a day to incorporate time for yourself to recharge. It makes all the difference and enhances your study abroad experience. 

Here are some activities that help me stay mentally and physically healthy while 在澳大利亚留学

1. 瑜伽 

瑜伽是一种极好的释放压力的方式. 这很容易做到,可以在一天中的任何时间做. I prefer to do it either when I wake up or before bed for relaxation. Sometimes I even do it as a break between classes or schoolwork. 它帮助我脚踏实地,活在当下. 瑜伽 is something I’ve done since COVID-19 and is something I’ve continued to incorporate in my life ever since. I feel more relaxed and lead a more productive day when I practice. 它也不需要很长. 有时候你只需要5-10分钟.  

在第一个星期天 悉尼我和一些人一起去练瑜伽 留学朋友 在悉尼海港大桥下. 虽然时间还早,但很值得. It was led by an 澳大利亚n instructor and with her voice and the beautiful view of the 悉尼 Harbour and Opera House—it was a magical experience. 

A group of people doing yoga on grass under a bridge and near water


2. 博物馆 

国外博物馆 are a great place to stimulate your mind and learn new things. I find museums make me feel relaxed and tap into my curiosity. 它让我的思绪游荡. I explored the 澳大利亚n Museum in 悉尼 with some friends on a Saturday and spent a few hours looking at the dinosaur, 鸟, 和澳大利亚历史展览. 



3. 海滩 

国外的海滩 这些地方是逃避和重置的好去处吗. In any season, the sea breeze always calms me down when I’m feeling overwhelmed. It puts my mind at ease and makes me realize life isn’t as complicated as we sometimes make it out to be. One of my favorite beaches I’ve visited in 澳大利亚 is Mackenzie’s Bay: a small, 古色古香的海滩上到处都是狗.  


View from Bondi to Bronte Beach coastline walk of Mackenzie’s Bay in 悉尼, NSW. 

我也喜欢克利夫利海滩. There’s a hill you can climb up and it overlooks the water and is a great place to relax and watch the sunset. 



4. 杂志

写日记也是一项很好的活动 心理健康和福祉. Like yoga, it can be done at any time and for however long you’d like. 这是一种创造性地表达自己的美丽方式. I’ve found journaling to be extremely helpful while studying abroad as it helps me remember all I did that day and find peace in being so far from home. 

A study abroad student holding a notebook and a pen on a beach


5. 自然 

留学探索自然 是一个美好的爱好. 它也可以在任何季节进行, though I find winter the most difficult time to explore it because of the cold. In 悉尼, I love wandering to different places and going to wherever my heart desires.  



花草树木把我吸进去,让我喘不过气来. I feel calm when I’m in 自然 and it’s something I’d like to continue to do more often. 

A group of study abroad students with flowers in their hair posing for a photo


6. 朋友 

Connecting with friends and family is crucial for enjoying your time abroad. It can feel lonely at times and there’s beauty in the alone time, 但我们都需要一些社会互动. Getting together with friends to plan a day trip or even grabbing coffee can make all the difference. It boosts my mood and makes me feel happy to be around people I love. 



7. 阅读 

阅读是另一种激发思维的好方法. I’m currently reading A Map to Your Soul by Jennifer Freed. My friend gifted it to me and it’s all about learning how to tap into yourself and live your most authentic life. 



8. 锻炼 

我喜欢健身. Whether it’s running down Darling Harbour or a Pilates class in the city, 参加国外的体育活动可以提高我的精力和心情. Staying physically active in 悉尼 is most definitely not difficult as there are a plethora of workout spaces and classes throughout the city. 澳大利亚人确实热爱他们的身体健康! 

这是我到目前为止在悉尼所做的活动清单, 澳大利亚 that helped boost and maintain my mental and 身体健康. I highly encourage you to try some of them out if you’d like, as I find them to be quite wonderful! 



杰克Kalinowski 内容创作者-摄影师在悉尼吗, 澳大利亚, 目前在特拉华大学学习.
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